What is National Daughter’s Day?

We had a great time celebrating National Daughter’s Day this year and we hope you did too. We have been truly honored to have photographed so many beautiful young ladies this past year and they should be reflected upon. We hope you were recognized this year as well. But what is National Daughter’s Day?

How did it start?

What do you do?

Well, National Daughters Day was created and first observed in the country of India back in 2007 by Archies Ltd, a greeting card company, to celebrate daughters and their positive impacts they had on their families. In addition, they realized that daughters were often considered of a lesser value than sons and therefore received less attention. The United States began to recognize this day of celebration soon after and it was designed to honor the unique bond between a daughter, or daughters, with their parents.

In the United States, National Daughter Day is celebrated on September 25th. 

Today, National Daughters Day is celebrated around the world by many nations, cultures, and ethnicities.

How to celebrate National Daughter’s Day

Most don’t know it exists without the help of your friends posting photos on Facebook and often that is the extent many take to highlight their daughters. But we can do more. Celebrating them does not have to be something elaborate or even expensive. But you could do spend some quality time together. Get your nails done, go shopping, have lunch or dinner, go for a hike, or have the family all together. There are many things you can do as long as your daughter is the focus.

You could also:

  • Say a simple, I Love You.
  • Buy her flowers and get her a card.
  • Have a nice conversation.
  • Encourage her to pursue her dreams.
  • Encourage her to explore her interests and hobbies.
  • Recognize her achievements.
  • And of course, our favorite idea is to treat them to a special photo session, say on the island of Maui??

Whatever you decide to do to honor your daughter(s), make it meaningful and filled with love. All women of all ages love that from their parents.



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